3 life changing “feel the fear and do it anyway” quotes

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Sometimes you need an extra push to come out on the other side of your fear.

Feeling afraid to go forward? We’ve all been there! 

Amid the action, you have to be prepared to conquer negative thoughts and that takes positive thinking. Here are 3 “feel the fear and do it anyway” quotes that I keep close to my heart for strength because life is full of difficult situations!

1. Cypher Raige from the movie After Earth : Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. That is near insanity Kitai. Do not misunderstand me, danger is very real, but fear is a choice”

Sometimes, the only thing stopping you from the great surprises in life is one positive thought away

Sure, the thing could go wrong BUT, what if it goes right? If it goes wrong, just take it as a learning experience! Engineer your life. Some of the greatest minds were able to accomplish their goals through constant failure and learning. Don’t let fear keep you from your higher self!


2. “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” -Paul Atreides from the movie Dune

There have been times in my life when I had to make life-changing decisions. In those moments, I could amazingly change my life, fail to try, or do nothing.

Most times, I gather as much strength as I can to at least try to conquer my fears! I admit that I have not always conquered my fears and there are still days that positive quotes did not help me at all. It’s small steps and small things that build you up to becoming someone who doesn’t have an absence of fear but has the willpower to overcome fear! 

Stepping out of my comfort zone to change the outcome of events in my life has given me more control of my life! I’m sure you’d also like to be a person who can look back on life’s most difficult circumstances and say that you were able to come out on top!

3. “If you don’t confront your fears you are always going to be afraid” -Hunter from the  movie Fall (Thriller released in 2022).

Do it anyway quotes

Overcoming fears are some of the best memories I have because it has given me personal power!

I remember one of the first times I was able to face fear.  Would you rather feel as if you can do anything within your abilities or that there is something that is always going to hold you back?

From public speaking to ziplining after climbing 300 feet, to looking down from the Eiffel tower despite my fear of heights, to moving across the country for opportunities in an unfamiliar location.  Here are five ways I’ve conquered my fears in the past.

I’ve come to find that a great feeling of relief is on the other side of fear! I’ve since become a better version of myself. The only way to beat life’s obstacles is to change your state of mind. If you know that there is a good thing that will come from conquering your fear, this is your sign to JUST DO IT!

The feeling of helplessness is not one of my favorite feelings and I am sure it isn’t one of yours

The best way to prepare yourself is to gather as much positive energy as you can

This can come in the form of motivational quotes or a self-help book. In my own life, I try to surround myself with people who will root for me! I also make sure that I am comforting others! Feeling that you have good karma will protect you in its own way!

Never let “not trying” be your biggest pitfall! You got this!

What fear have you recently conquered?

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