5 Notable courage affirmations (Be a go-getter)

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What does it mean to be fearless? For some it means having nothing holding you back from doing the things you want to do, making much needed sacrifices, and facing obstacles head-on without breaking a sweat. Fear can keep us from going all in for the things we want in life. That can be a pain.

It’s a good thing fear can be overthrown by courage!

Building courage takes time

You don’t have to be fearless to reach your goals but it does take courage. What is courage? Courage is when you can put your fears aside for a greater cause. Most people find themselves building-up courage in order to reach an important goal. 

Courage the cowardly dog is an example of someone that always puts his fear aside despite being the biggest coward in his universe. He’s able to stop being a coward each time he faces an obstacle because he has a deep love for his family. 

One of the best ways to overcome fear is to have a strong purpose, something that is more important than the obstacle before you. If you can keep that in mind, your courage will grow! Five ways I’ve conquered my fears in the past.

5 encouraging AFFIRMATIONS TO help you become less fearful

  1. I have courage!
  2. My mind is strong!
  3. My strength is overflowing!
  4. I am FULL of courage!
  5. I will make the best out of every obstacle!

fear affirmations

(Say these affirmations at least twice daily when you are relaxing. Here are three easy steps to relax. I recommend saying them right after you wake up and before you go to sleep. One month of saying these affirmations like you mean it can rewire your mind into thinking you have courage.)


There’s a little bit of coward in everyone. If you’ve found yourself not being confident in moments that count, remember you are not the only one! Being fearless does not happen overnight! It happens through experiences. 9 thoughtful tips to stay consistent

Don’t dwell on the past, prepare for your future instead! Saying these affirmations along with experiencing life will help ease your mind into having more confidence. Did this article help you out? Check out “three life-changing feel the fear and do it anyway” quotes and a prayer for confidence!

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