7 Empowering Finish what you started affirmations

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Need a little push to get back to working on that thing you started? If you’re similar to me, you’ve started many projects in your lifetime and never finished them. At some point, you may have lost faith in your ability to complete anything you begin working on. Speaking from experience, I advise you to keep hope alive

Check out these powerful affirmations and tips for making decisions about your goals!

Affirmations that will help you give it your all!

1. I finish what I start!
2. I am someone who owns my promises!
3. I make the time to work on my goals!
4. I have the energy to plan my day!
5. I am focused!
6. I complete projects!
7. I make wise decisions!

I recommend saying these positive affirmations for at least one month. Say them when you awake from a night’s sleep and before you “call it a night” (go to sleep). This way you are relaxed and focused on the affirmations! Here are a few helpful steps to relax before saying affirmations.

Dont quit affirmations

What does it mean to finish what you started?

To finish what you start is to focus on a project and give it as much energy as you had for it in the beginning. And with that energy, you complete the project with pride! Just don’t quit, do it!

If we’re being real, I think it’s totally fine to quit some things especially if you know they’re not going to benefit you in any way and you also have more important things to do on your plate! That may sound contradicting but hear me out!

Me, I love to dabble in new things. It’s exciting! My secret to not becoming overwhelmed with a list of things I will never complete is simple. I have a few main goals that I spend most of my time on. Everything new that I try only gets a little of my time unless I decide that they are “main goal” worthy! How many things on your list are worthy enough to not quit? Check out 5 alarming signs you should quit something! 

5 ways to tell if your new goal or project is worth finishing

  1. You will get an award, certificate, or some kind of recognition that will give you a self-esteem boost.
  2. You will learn something from the experience that will help you complete your main goals.
  3. It’s not causing a big shift in your life and routine.
  4. You made a promise to someone that you would finish it.
  5. It’s a project that will help a lot of people.

3 Things you should stop doing that are so not worth it

  1. Things that will get in the way of you completing your main goals.
  2. Things that cause unnecessary stress to you.
  3. Things you’re doing that don’t align with your character.

It’s up to you to figure out the things that are worth it. These reasons may help you with your process! Don’t have any main goals yet? Here’s the EASIEST way to find your purpose.

Finish strong!

Don’t quit! When you can get things done, it can feel like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. What better reason to make an effort to be consistent with starting and finishing things?

If you have a habit of not doing what you say you’re going to do, you may want to consider working on becoming more consistent and confident in your abilities. (Lol not consistent in “not doing”, but consistent with completing projects!) Here are some worthwhile ways I’ve learned how to be consistent.

You may not get it going the first time around but if you start your learning today then tomorrow will be better! Just don’t quit, you can do it! Set aside as much time as you can to take a look at your list and plan how you will tackle it! How about it? Will you be able to get some things done?

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