Kwadi Higgins

Kwadi Higgins

As an advocate for mental wellness, I love sharing my self-care tips with family and friends. This love led me to share my tips through social media and eventually through a blog based on improving the quality of life. I'm a good candidate to discuss this topic because self-care and wellness is my passion. Through self-care books, mindfulness of life's situations, and exploration, I've managed to incorporate a great balance of self-care into my daily routines. Skating, hiking, traveling, practicing meditation, studying, and drinking tea, are only a few of my self-care practices. I also landed a career that would allow me to have a great work-life balance. There are many ways to practice self-care, including spending time in nature, practicing meditation, setting boundaries, releasing the tension from your mind and body, and even simply watching a good tv show with friends. I believe in inclusion. For me, inclusion in mental wellness means that one size does not fit all. Each person can discover what kind of self-care works for them by taking the time to find out what they enjoy. My mission is to teach as many people as I can how to improve their lives by spreading awareness.