How to be comfortable in your own skin: Unleash confidence

Reading Time: 4 minutes

What does it mean to be comfortable in your skin? It means you have love and appreciation for yourself even with insecurities. Yes, it’s normal to have insecurities. If those insecurities aren’t taking control of your life then you are comfortable in your skin. You know that the only person that can stand in the way of your confidence is yourself! 

What to do if you aren’t comfortable in your skin? 

You can start by learning how to accept yourself. Whenever you have a problem that you think deserves your attention, it’s worth seeking the knowledge to overcome that problem

There are many books and articles written about accepting yourself and building confidence. Some were written by wellness professionals and some by people who have been through your struggles before. 

I’ve managed to become comfortable in my skin over the years by changing my perspective on the world around me. Life experiences and wellness books have also helped me grow into the person I am today, a person who is comfortable and cozy in my skin! 

Here are a few of my hacks so that you can also work on becoming comfortable in your skin! 

1. Love Your Differences

Now hear me out. There may be over 8.7 million species on this planet. What does this mean for you? There are over 8.7 million different living things on this planet that look different and do things differently than you. 

If you think about how different every person, place, and thing is, you will understand how you fit into this world. You were made to be different. No tree, animal, insect, or cloud in the sky is the same. 

Even when objects are made to be identical if you put them under a microscope, you guessed it, they are different. By existing, you are adding spice to the wonderful mixture of a melting pot we have on Earth!

Embrace Yourself

Want to witness the differences I mentioned for yourself? Try spending time people-watching. You will notice that people have unique characteristics including different kinds of moles, hair colors, freckles, skin textures, clothing, height, and even voices. 

If you happen to know someone who looks exactly like you, guess what, you’re likely to still have a different personality or favorite hobby that’s different than theirs.

Repeat after me! “I was meant to be different and so I embrace myself!” That’s the spirit!  

2. Love Your Similarities Too

I know I said that you should embrace your differences. Well while you’re doing that, you can also embrace the things you have in common with others. It’s always nice to find people, places, and things that remind you of yourself. 

When you see someone who reminds you of yourself, whether on the internet or in person, compliment them! Practicing giving compliments can help you accept yourself. Paying attention to the common things you share with others can give you a sense of belonging. Feeling like you belong is a great way to feel comfortable!

You Belong

When is the last time you worked on a puzzle? A puzzle is a great example of something that depends on differences and similarities to be whole. Puzzles have many similar-looking and unique pieces that fit together to create a beautiful image or completed project

Yes, there are solid colored puzzles that also exist. The images on the puzzle pieces can all be the same but to connect, the pieces have to be different around their edges!

The most important takeaway from this is that all of the pieces belong together no matter their shape or image. You belong on this planet as yourself, no matter your shape or image!

3. Love Your whole self

The best way to love yourself is to take time to learn about how you can help yourself. You can be comfortable with yourself by figuring out the things you need, setting goals, and then taking action to reach those goals.

What is it that you need in your life to feel comfortable and satisfied?

By reading this, you have already taken action. You care! Read your way to success! There have been decades of people who have lived before us and who have written books about the struggles we still face today. 

Seek the knowledge

From topics about gaining confidence to topics about loving yourself, there is knowledge available for you. You can search the internet for their stories so that you don’t have to be stuck trying to figure out how to overcome the same situations they have faced alone. 

If those people were able to overcome, you can find a way to overcome your struggles too!

Although self-care books and other forms of knowledge are inspiring, it can be hard to take action after learning. I challenge you to take action for yourself! I want to see you win. Whether it is learning acceptance or improving yourself, please find out what you need.

Take action steps to become better in your mind, body, and spirit. Everyone has to start somewhere. The road to confidence can sometimes be a long but walkable one!

4. Work on changing your perspective on change

If you feel bad after doing something, think to yourself, how can you limit this activity or change this activity? 

Someone once told me that adding sugar to coffee doesn’t make the coffee into something different. The sugar is just a preference that makes the coffee taste better. 

What this means to me is, getting help does not change who you are.

Adding or taking something away from your life does not change who you are as a person. If you think you may want to improve yourself, do what’s best for you! It doesn’t mean you love yourself any less.

5. Compliment yourself through affirmations

Affirmations! Affirmations aren’t a miracle cure but they sure do help with many things! 

It’s mirror time! Get in front of that mirror for at least 3-5 minutes a day. Become one of your best friends

Tell yourself the things you want to hear from others! You can be comfortable alone by learning how to be nicer to yourself, being mindful, and setting goals.

A wise lady once told me that every morning, I should give myself the first compliment of the day so that I won’t seek validation from anyone else.

Give yourself so many daily compliments that you could apply to be a professional cheerleader!

Final Note

No one is perfect, not even your favorite idol! Many well-known people have expressed that they have had to gain confidence at some point in their lives. 

You are beautiful because you are different and also similar to many things on this planet. Enjoy yourself while you are working on yourself because life continues to flow! 

How’s your journey toward becoming more comfortable going?

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