How to write powerful affirmations for yourself effortlessly

Reading Time: 3 minutes

You can write powerful affirmations by taking a moment to make a list of the changes you want to happen for yourself! Use your imagination to think about all of the things you want in life and who you need to become to obtain those things. After you’ve done these two activities, describe your future self in one-word statements using a first-person point of view. 

Affirmations How-To Guide

Examples of powerful affirmations for making changes in your life to achieve your improvement goals:

  1. I am smart. 
  2. I am consistent.
  3. I am open to learning.
  4. I am capable of change. 
  5. I am accepting of new possibilities in my life.

Do all affirmations start with I am?

Affirmations do not have to start with “I am” as long as you are making statements that pertain to you.

Here are 5 deep affirmations that do not start with “I am”:

  1. Change happens for me.
  2. This life is full of opportunity.
  3. Today is a wonderful day.
  4. Every day I am getting better and better.
  5. Moments like this are beautiful.

Is it better to write or type affirmations?

It’s better to write affirmations instead of typing them. With writing, you get to see your personality on paper! With typing, you see a font that you may not be able to feel a connection to.

The best color to use for writing affirmations is black because it’s easier to read when writing on paper. 

Do written affirmations work?

If you have noticed in your life that reading things is the best way you can remember and understand the content, written affirmations will work for you! Of course, you have to still take action but by writing out and seeing who you wish to become, you are taking the first step necessary by preparing your mind.

How do you write affirmations correctly?

To write affirmations correctly, you have to write them with the intent to receive the outcome. Writing affirmations will help you believe in yourself. To use affirmations correctly, get yourself into a relaxed state then proceed to read your written affirmations aloud. Being in a relaxed mood helps you focus on what you’re reading. Try meditation!

How many times should you write affirmations? 

You should write affirmations once a day and be realistic about the goals you have for yourself. You may not be able to become an NBA player because you’re shorter than what’s expected for that basketball league, but you could become someone who works closely with them. 

For example, you could study to become an announcer, a physical therapist, a reporter, a vendor, an advertiser, and more. You could also join a league that’s similar with less requirements or create a basketball video game where you are one of the characters. There are many possibilities!

Along with writing affirmations, you should take time to meditate on what you want to be capable of and also meditate on ideas for reaching your goals. 

What to do with written affirmations?

Pin your written affirmations somewhere you will see them every day. You could also take a photo of your affirmations and use them as backgrounds for your laptop, phone, and other devices that allow it. This way, you will affirm what you want for yourself and your life multiple times a day. 

Should you say affirmations out loud?

Yes, you should say the affirmations aloud especially if you think they will be more effective. Hearing the affirmations from your mouth can help you build confidence. Once you’re able to say the affirmations confidently, this is proof that you believe you are capable of being successful in changing your life. Practice and repetition do wonders!

What happens when you write affirmations daily?

When you write affirmations, changes will start to happen for you once you take action in your life. These changes happen for you because you are now being intentional about the goals you have for yourself. You can see yourself accomplishing your goals in the future! 

Once you are intentional with what you want, you start looking for ways to improve yourself and prepare yourself for taking the actions you need to be successful. This is a form of manifestation.

How to write affirmations for manifestation examples:

  • I am attracting everything I need to reach my goals.
  • I am becoming the best version of myself.
  • I am building good habits every day.
You can also use affirmations when writing a manifestation statement!

You should write affirmations once a day for at least a month along with making changes to better yourself. Consistency is key! You got this!  After each month, note what changes you’ve made, which affirmations have come true for you, and how you will improve.

You can then choose to create new affirmations or stick with the ones that have yet to come true. If you need examples of affirmations, check out these helpful productivity affirmations!

Were you able to create any affirmations? Drop one in the comment to share with the community!

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