How to choose a life path: Quiz for overthinkers

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Life Path Quiz

Are you here because you’re unsure where to go next in life? Choosing a life path can be tricky and can come with many challenges. Take this quiz to see if you face any of these challenges then try out some helpful tips to help you overcome them! If you answer “yes” then be blessed with some advice!

1. Uncertainty
Do you sometimes doubt your decisions because you’re scared of making mistakes?
Tip: To handle uncertainty, try to learn more about yourself, set clear goals, and ask for help from people who may have more experience than you.

Trusting the process is like making lemonade out of lemons. Have you ever gotten lemon juice in your eye? That didn’t stop you from handling lemons right?

2. Pressure from Others
Have you ever picked something just because others wanted you to, even if you didn’t really like it?
Tip: You can say what you really want and set your own rules. It’s okay to be yourself! 

Check out my post about being comfortable in your skin.

3. Self-Doubt
Do you sometimes feel like you’re not good enough or that you can’t do things?
Tip: Believe in yourself, set small goals, and ask friends or associates to cheer you on! 

Setting smaller goals works wonders when building up the confidence to tackle a larger goal!

4. Financial Constraints
Has money ever stopped you from doing what you really want?
Tip: Be creative, look for grants, start with what you have, and think about saving money for the future.

Don’t know how to increase your funds? Financial books are worth the read. Libraries, Barnes & Noble, and other resources can help you create a plan.

5. Fear of Failure
Are you afraid of making mistakes or not succeeding when you try something new?
Tip: Remember, making mistakes helps you learn! Take small steps to try new things, and don’t be too hard on yourself!

Still need a boost? Check out my “feel the fear and do it anyway” post for some more helpful tips.

6. Lack of Clarity
Do you find it hard to know what you really like or what you’re good at?
Tip: Think about what you enjoy doing and what you’re good at. Try different things if your list is small. There’s hope for you to find joy in something you’d never suspect!

7. Overwhelmed
Do you ever feel like there are too many choices, and it’s hard to decide?
Tip: Break your decision into smaller steps, write down the good and bad things about each choice, and talk to people you trust for advice.

I’m not shy when it comes to creating a pros and cons list when I need to make a big decision! When you make your list, you’ll be shocked at how much insight you gain. 

8. Social Comparison
Do you compare yourself to others and feel like you don’t measure up?
Tip: You’re unique! Focus on what makes you special, set your own goals, and celebrate your achievements.

 There’s room enough for you to shine in this world! I bet you can name multiple people you admire that are in the same profession. I know I can.

9. External Influences
Have you ever had to change your plans because of things happening around you?
Tip: Stay informed, be flexible, and look for opportunities even when things change.

The world can be out of your control but you can put effort in controlling the ways you react.

10. Societal Expectations
Do you feel like you have to do what everyone else thinks is best, even if it’s not what you want?
Tip: Follow your heart and do what feels right for you. You are the one who knows what makes you happy! If you’re prepared to live with the consequences of your actions and your actions only affect you, then you are ready to live your truth. 

Once again, make a list of the pros and cons!

You can use this quiz to help you figure out your own path in life

If overcoming these obstacles aren’t enough, check out an easy way to find your purposeRemember, it’s okay to explore your options and you can always learn and grow along the way! 

As long as you’re willing to fight for the life you want, it’s not too late to make changes. Now that you have these helpful techniques at your service, would you agree?

Got an extra few seconds? Share this post with someone you care about before you exit!

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