Affirmations for a productive week: Complete nagging tasks

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Do you need to get things done this week? If you’ve ever lost the energy to get things done but still NEED to get things done, you can try these powerful affirmations for a productive week!

My hack for being productive is to take at least 15 minutes to relax before starting the tasks I want to complete. I have to change my mood to fit the tasks at hand because sometimes I may have a lot of “non-productive” energy. One way I like to relax into a productive mood is to practice meditation. 

If you’re unfamiliar with meditation, check out this short post that offers a fast way to meditate. Yes, there are other ways to relax, even some I am not familiar with. I’m taking all suggestions in the comments! Tell me yours! 

15 affirmations to stop procrastinating and have a productive week

Say these powerful affirmations twice daily after getting into a relaxed mood!

  1. I will take the time to be productive.
  2. I will limit as many distractions as I can.
  3. My tasks will get completed.
  4. I have the energy to be productive.
  5. This week is my week.
  6. I will own the day by not procrastinating.
  7. Energy will come to me naturally.
  8. Being productive will not drain me.
  9. I enjoy getting things done.
  10. I am a very productive person.
  11. I am great at managing my time.
  12. I want to do the things I have to do.
  13. I will have more free time after completing my tasks.
  14. I am organized.
  15. My goal is reachable.

productive people on laptops

Productivity can become easier with the right approach

It may take time to find your groove! You may need to find people who can help you be more productive or experiment with a few productivity methods. One of my favorite methods is the Pomodoro Method

The Pomodoro Method is a focusing technique where you focus for about 25 minutes at a time with 5-minute breaks and on your last 25-minute focus session, you take a longer break. At each break you reward yourself. You can reward yourself with a treat, an exercise, or an idea of yours. 

When I’m overwhelmed with tasks, I take a step back, rate those tasks by importance, and use the techniques I’ve learned through trial and error for consistency. 

Just remember that you have the power within you to get what needs to be done, DONE

Did you think of any other affirmations while saying these affirmations? I’d love for you to share in the comments!

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