Self care Sunday: A basic list to clear your mind

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Nod in agreement if you’d like to go into Monday feeling calm and relaxed! I know I do. That’s why I prefer to chill on Sundays. Even if I cannot use the whole day to clear my mind, I always make sure to take the time to wind down for at least an hour. And what’s the perfect way to wind down before the beginning of the week? A self-care Sunday of course! Kick those Sunday Blues to the curb by finding your happy place!

What is a self-care Sunday?

A self-care Sunday is a Sunday you use to take care of your mind, body, and soul. Many people take the day or a few hours to pamper themselves and prepare for Monday.  It may take some exploring and experimenting to find your own routine but don’t give up!

Sometimes you may want to change your routine and that’s normal. Get a general feel of what you like and then try to do at least one of those things on Sundays. If you’d like some low-energy ways to spend your Sunday, check out this self-care Sunday list! 


1. Stroll your favorite park or greenspace

What does stroll mean? To take a stroll is to take a carefree walk. Walking while focusing on enjoying your spending time with yourself brings peace to your mind.

2. Complete a task your future self will thank you for

Ever needed a trick to do things you don’t feel like doing? Yet, you know that if you do those things, you will feel better in the future. Start thinking about how your future self will look into the past and be grateful for what you do today!

Start thanking your past self for doing things that have gotten you this far! You only get one you! Do something today that your future self will thank you for and you’ll be happy about the benefits!

Nothing coming to mind? Treat yourself to a Self Care quiz

3. Tell yourself positive things throughout the day

It’s important to have things you are able to control in your life. The amount of positive thoughts you give to yourself is one of those things.

Make “telling yourself good things” a habit! Being able to fill your mind with positivity is something that’s often taken for granted.

When you constantly fill your mind with uplifting statements and feel-good knowledge, you have no choice but to feel amazing!

4. Create a gratitude list

Having a list of things you’re grateful for can help keep you grounded and motivated to make life yours!

It’s hard to go after your goals when you’re feeling empty. Being thankful can keep you full of the energy you need to be a go-getter!

5. Say a prayer

Saying a prayer can help ease your mind especially if you’re able to let go and let God handle what you have no control over. 

Speak about the things that have been bothering you. Describe what has been going right in your life. Have an unrushed conversation!

6. Sip tea

Drinking tea can help you relax and feel present. Repeatedly sipping your tea, taking a breather in between sips, listening to the sound of your sips, and paying attention to the feeling of drinking your tea gives you an easy routine to follow. 

Easy routines can be calming when you’re the one who chose to do them.

7. Move your body in dance-like ways

Dance like nobody’s watching whenever you can! If you’ve been feeling tense lately, try dancing! 

Loosen up your body to release the stress you’ve built up! Not only is it fun to do, it’s also a way to show gratitude. Love the ways you can move!

8. Find your purpose

Instead of going through the motions of life, take time to figure out what you want to do in life.

Ask yourself the deep questions so that you can start living in your purpose as soon as possible.
Your future self will thank you!


9. Limit your social media time

How much time do you really spend being social on Social media? Think about it. Take a break! You can use some of that time to focus on yourself and others you may care about.

10. Gift yourself something

When’s the last time you gifted yourself something that you have created? You can write yourself a poem, draw, hug yourself, or give yourself compliments.

There are many things you can gift yourself! You can learn how to get creative!

11. Read poetry related to your favorite things

Find people who share your passions! Try reading their poems! It feels great when you are able to connect with people with similar interests!

Reading poetry may help you find a deeper love for the things you love and the people who love them.

12. Look at things you find beautiful

This day is a “treat yourself” day! Get all of the good chemicals flowing to your brain by surrounding yourself with beautiful things, people, and images.

13. Find your favorite scent

This one may require some thinking! Think about what your favorite scent is or what kind of fragrances you are drawn to.

Where can you get those smells? Do you have to bake a specific dish? Maybe you have to walk by a bush in your neighborhood park.

If you’re able to, find that wonderful scent that will put you in a great mood! Did someone say “candles”?

14. Massage yourself

Have a tennis ball handy? If not, it’s okay! You’d only need one if you are trying to get a deeper massage.

With all of the movement we put ourselves through daily, your body will appreciate some care! Massage your shoulders and legs for once!

15. Write yourself a love letter

Be a cheerleader for yourself! Let yourself know that you care! Tell yourself all of the things you have wanted someone to say to you! This exercise works wonders for your self-esteem. 

16. Meditate

Don’t frown about meditation until you’re able to try it! You never know how much stress or how much time you haven’t spent with yourself until you go into deep relaxation.

Meditation has its ways of helping you calm down and process information more clearly. During meditation ask yourself, “what do I need?”

17. Eat your favorite snack

Is it time to satisfy a craving? If your diet allows it, plan your cheat day to be on your self care day. 

18. Have fun

Last but most important, enjoy your day! Do some things you like! Discover what self care looks like for you!

Adult self care

Create your self-care routine

Now that you have a large list to choose from, what now? You can start by choosing one thing on the list and then setting aside time to do that thing on your next Sunday and the Sundays that follow. Want some tips for being consistent? Check out what has helped me with consistency. Maybe nothing resonated with you on the list and that’s fine! If this is the case, I highly recommend meditation!

These activities will give you an idea about what self-care looks like but the best way to find a self-care routine that works for you is to explore your own wants and needs. Meditation can be great for helping you discover ways to fulfill your self-care Sunday.

I describe meditation as “comfy breathing”. You can get into a comfortable position, just make sure your back is supported, and then proceed to breathe deeply while exploring your thoughts. If you’d like an easy detailed method to meditate, check out my 3 step technique to meditate!

I hope a few of my suggestions help you to relax before your Monday. I’m always open to trying out self-care techniques! If you’d like to recommend your own, drop a comment!  

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