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Is there something heavy on your mind? When you speak to other people, they magically mention something related to what you’ve been thinking about? The universe may be speaking to you friend!

Did that tv show you watched present a situation similar to yours? Maybe you scrolled social media and there was a post with why you shouldn’t or should do the thing. If you’re looking for direction, pay attention and you’ll get your answer from the universe!

Sometimes you will make a choice that you feel is the wrong choice in life. This prevents us from following up on what could be amazing opportunities out of fear that we will make another wrong choice. Learn how to trust in the process!

You have to live your life!!!

Once you make a choice, whether it be wrong or right, you have your whole life to become smarter. Sometimes the choices you make can be wrong temporarily. Maybe you needed to make the wrong choice in order to put yourself into a position for one of your biggest blessings!

Life is like a roller coaster after all. You must rise and fall to feel those highs. So what are you waiting for? The universe has already spoken to you multiple times before reading this article!

How to speak to the universe

You can speak to the universe by being intentional with your actions. Learn to put your fear aside and make decisions! Go for what it is that you want! Sometimes the life you are wanting and the outcome you’re hoping for is just on the other side of whatever has been holding you back. Check out several unique ways to overcome the fear of starting something new!

How to read signs from the universe

Reading signs is like reading poetry. When I am looking for signs from the universe, they appear as things that I am able to relate to. When you see something written in poetry that you do not understand, you have to dig deep within to figure out what the poetry could mean. This process involves taking words that mean one thing and seeing how they could mean another thing based on the author’s and your knowledge. 
Known definitions and other background information surrounding poetic writing have an affect on its meaning. Next time you ask for a sign and something out of the norm happens around you, treat the situation like poetry! 


Example: I asked for a sign so that I would know I was doing the right things to better myself. Shortly after, I saw an animal I don’t usually see that I think of as peaceful. I took that as a sign to calm down and continue doing the things I’d been doing.

How does the universe speak to you? Drop a comment!

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