5 effective ways to ABSOLUTELY have fun

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Since you’re reading this article, you’re probably someone who wants inspiration or someone who has misplaced the ability to feel the “thrill”.

What’s the “thrill” you may ask? The thrill is a feeling you get when you are excited about something!

That something is usually a new area you haven’t explored yet whether that is unfamiliar food, an activity, a weird-looking building you’ve passed up since childhood, or making an unusual purchase. 

You may think that you have lost your MOJO.

“I’ve done it all!” 
“This is boring.”
“I don’t want to try that!”

You’ve said similar statements way too many times now. Well, guess what?!


If the MOJO is lost, let’s get it back! To have fun again you will need to view the world differently! In doing so, you’ll learn how to have fun and ***spoiler***  You can have fun in many ways! ***spoiler*** 

Here are 5 ways to have fun anywhere at anytime

1. Practice mindfulness

You can have fun every day by paying attention to details. Each moment of your life offers something you haven’t noticed before.

It could be the way the wind hits your skin, the dangling loose thread you’ve never paid attention to on your shirt, or the bark pattern of your neighbor’s dog you find to be weird.

There are many details to be explored in life!

2. Be your personal comedian

I’m not saying you should go around laughing and causing a scene BUT I am saying you should go around laughing.

Make it your mission to laugh at 3 things this week. Get silly! There are funny moments that you will begin to catch once you start practicing mindfulness.

If you’re not one to go outside, you can practice mindfulness inside. Watch television, look outside at nature, or just pay attention to your daily habits.

You’re bound to notice something out of the ordinary!

3. Loosen up

Add a bit of relaxation to your day! If you can spare 1 minute then you can make the effort to breathe deeply for that amount of time.

That is a form of meditationUnclench your jaw, drop your shoulders, and focus on your breathing. 

You may be able to open yourself up to having fun if you’re in a relaxed state. 

4. Have FUN YOUR way

Fun is when you experience joy or excitement. Fun may look different for you and that’s okay.

Some people have fun by partying or doing extreme sports. Others may have fun by making tea and then enjoying a book.
The activity does not matter. Your interest does! 

Being mindful and then finding what interests you will allow you to welcome more fun into your life!

5. Break up with your comfort zone

It may be time to parent yourself. Give yourself that extra push then thank yourself later!

I can’t count how many times I’ve had to act as a parent and force myself to do something. Life is like climbing a mountain with many peaks.

You will have to tell yourself to keep going so that you can experience the joy of accomplishment and many more emotions.

Now that you have the basics down of having fun. Here are several fun activities you can try!

3 Everyday activities that are fun to do

  1. Dancing
  2. Singing
  3. Mimicking

You can enjoy life by choosing to experience something new daily! Learn a new dance, sing your favorite song in a weird voice, or mimic someone you have seen on television.

These activities can take your body outside of its normal state and add a little excitement to your day!

3 ways to have fun at home

  1. Movie day or night – watch movies
  2. Concert – karaoke with your favorite songs
  3. Create – find a DIY project

You can be more playful and fun by allowing yourself to experience the simple things in life

Be intense! Add enthusiasm to everything you do. Let me hear those woos! and those yeahs! 

If it feels silly to do then you may be having fun, my friend! Just let the silliness happen! Breathe the silly. Become the silly!

How to have fun when you are sad

You can have fun while being sad by changing your opinion about what you think sadness should look like. People have many different emotions!

Sadness, happiness, fear, jealousy, and anger are just a few emotions that people can experience. Sometimes, these emotions can overlap!

When you are feeling sad, remember that you do not have to be stuck with that emotion just because it is expected of you. You’re human!

If you want to experience a little joy amid your sadness, go for it! Laugh, cry, live!

How to play when you’re an adult

You can have fun at work by creating a comfortable space for yourself. Personalize your area with things you enjoy!

If you don’t have an office or a designated area, you can personalize your clothing instead. Read your work’s guidelines. If pins are allowed, buy some pins that will make you feel comfortable.

Wristbands, earrings, socks, and anything you can place on your body are also great options!

Having something that you can control at work can help you feel more relaxed and open to having fun!

No friends? No problem! At the moment that you are looking to have fun, if you prefer to be alone you can take yourself out on a date! This can be a free date or an expensive date, whichever is in your power.

You can have fun without friends by befriending yourself and doing all of your favorite things. You can also find activities to join around your city through sites like Meetup and Eventbrite if you’d prefer to have fun with people.

Have you ever joined strangers in an escape room? As long as it doesn’t pan out like that one “escape room” movie, you’ll have a blast!


To have fun you should be mindful, find what interests you, and forget what you know about holding in your personality! Time flies when you’re having fun! Leave boredom in the past because this is where the fun begins!

Will you be having some fun this week? I sure hope so. Leave a comment if you’ve found your mojo!

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