5 Self care practices you should know before you turn 30

Reading Time: 3 minutes

What are self-care practices? 

Self-care practices are things you can do to keep your mind, body, and spirit well. This can consist of doing things you want to do for yourself and also doing things you NEED to do for yourself.

3 self-care practice examples:

  • A self-care method you can use for your mind is reading books that can help you improve as a person
  • A self-care method you can use for your body is taking a walk every day to keep yourself active
  • A self-care method you can use for your spirit is praying or wishing for good things to happen
Even if you have not learned anything about self-care, you have things you do for wellness purposefully and non-purposefully. Maybe some of those things have made it to the list! 

Here are 5 self-care strategies you should know before 30

1.  Mind control 

Mind control? Yes, mind control. If you’re looking to improve your life or make any kind of progress with your goals, controlling your mind may be something you want to study how to do

Meditation is a great way to learn how to control or work with your mind to figure out the things you need to succeed in life. Check out my EASY 3 step strategy for meditation! The goal is to calmly sort through your endless amount of thoughts.

2. The act of saying “no” 

What’s the magic word? Boundaries! Bing ding ring! You’ve got it! The earlier in life you learn to set boundaries, the easier life can be for you.

If you’ve ever hung around people over 30, one special skill most of them have mastered is setting boundaries! Your mental health and overall wellness are worth letting people down sometimes. 

3 Reasons to say no:


  1. You can have more time for yourself and more time to prepare for the future. If you can figure out your limit for taking on tasks, you can prepare yourself to say no to things you know will be unnecessarily stressful for you. If you’re not down with letting people down, take time to think about your previous experiences with taking on projects and then act accordingly
  2. The sooner you can decline, the more time others can find another way to get the help they may need. If you’re already thinking ahead about whether you can say no to things, you may be able to organize your life in a way that will allow you to say yes to more things. 
  3. You can avoid stress for the time being and become more consistent in your own goals. I’m not saying don’t take on challenges that can benefit you but I am saying to turn down challenges that will absolutely drain you if you can afford to. It’s a win!
3. Practicing Gratitude

There are so many events that will happen in your life, ranging from good to bad. 

Practicing gratitude can help keep you grounded. What do I mean by “grounded”? It’s when you’re able to be okay enough to not lose yourself in the midst of chaos. 

You can be grateful by appreciating all of the good things you have experienced in the past and present that have benefited you. You can even be thankful for knowing that tomorrow brings another day to try again. Check out my suggestions on what to add to your gratitude list!

4. Earthing
What is earthing? Earthing is when you make skin contact with some form of nature. You can improve your mood and reduce stress by practicing earthing. Find a safe spot outside, take off your shoes and do some stepping in place or walking around if you’d like. You can also touch nature with your hands. Just make a connection!

Earthing (also known as grounding) refers to contact with the Earth’s surface electrons by walking barefoot outside or sitting, working, or sleeping indoors connected to conductive systems, some of them patented, that transfer the energy from the ground into the body. 

Chevalier, G., Sinatra, S. T., Oschman, J. L., Sokal, K., & Sokal, P. (2011). Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth’s Surface Electrons. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2012. https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/291541

5. Affirmations

What are affirmations? Affirmations are powerful statements that can help improve your mindset if repeated often. I’ve been saying affirmations since a young age and this practice has improved my self-esteem! 

By the age of 30, you will have met many challenges. Saying affirmations at any age can improve your mindset and help you manage your responses to challenges that will happen within and outside of yourself. 

Check out these powerful affirmations I’ve written to help you out!

What age is appropriate for self-care?

You can start doing self-care routines at the age of 1 to as long as you are alive. You’re never too young or too old to get into self-care. Even babies can practice self-care routines if their parents/guardians are knowledgeable. Ever hear about people playing music for their little ones when they’re in the womb?

3 self-care things toddlers can do:

  1. They can give and get hugs as a form of self-care
  2. They can listen to their favorite songs (with the help of an adult)
  3. They can take naps and sleep to get enough sleep to feel well rested
Did any of your self-care practices make the list or were you surprised by these methods? Which self-care method would you recommend to someone under the age of 30? Drop a comment!
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