7 helpful waking up early success quotes

Reading Time: 3 minutes

You may have hit the snooze button yesterday, but NOT today! A lot of successful people believe that morning is an important time of day and I believe it too!

Here are several quotes that are sure to get you pumped in the early hours of the day. 

7 Helpful Motivational Quotes For Success

  1. “If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand” -Bob Proctor 
  2. “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed” -Maya Angelou
  3. “Protecting your dreams. Protecting your imagination. That’s really the key. And when you do that, the world just seems limitless” -Kobe Bryant
  4. “I can create whatever I want to create” -Will Smith 
  5. “I am not ashamed of my past, I am not ashamed of my humble beginning” -Madam C. J. Walker
  6. “The things that matter.. Are others” -Robin Williams
  7. “Ima have to take this to the moon” -Janelle Monáe 

How To Motivate Yourself To Wake Up Early  

The best way to motivate yourself to wake up early is to fill your mind with great things like good morning quotes and affirmations. 

If you awake to a new day and the only thing on your mind is getting an extra hour of sleep or so, you may lose the battle of starting the day early. 

Motivate yourself by reminding yourself about your main goals and how you will feel after you can accomplish them. Put yourself in a good mood every single morning! Soon, waking up before your third and fourth alarm clock goes off will become so much easier.

You may not be able to succeed in a single day but trust me, after you win that first battle you will be aware that you have the power within you to get a head start EVERY day! 

How To Wake Up With Energy

Go to sleep earlier and add wellness activities to your morning routine to wake up with more energy.

In the past, I have had to dump such habits as logging into social media as soon as my eyes opened. If this is the first thing you do in the morning, you may want to rethink your morning routine. 

Some of us let our mornings be determined by the information we consume. The kind of day you will have can be greatly improved if you build a strong mind in the morning. Imagine waking up with unlimited potential just to let a few text messages or an article in the morning paper ruin your mood. 

A positive start to your day accompanied by a good mood can prepare your mind to handle many things in your life.

Going to sleep early can ease your body into accepting a new sleep schedule

If you’ve ever had to deal with daylight savings determining your sleep schedule, you know this concept well. 

When you awake, try spending 20 minutes meditating, stretching, saying affirmations, or performing a wellness activity. The goal is to make the morning the best part of your day.

Once you have this kind of routine going, you will start to look forward to these activities in the morning more than the feeling of wanting to go back to sleep. It’s up to you to create the inspiration that will send your energy to the moon!

If this method does not work, consulting with a sleep doctor may be the best thing for you.


The first step to accomplishing any goal is to set one! For me, it was hard work waking up an hour earlier but after doing it once, I gained the strength to continue.

Now, as an early bird, I’ve been able to catch the sunrise multiple times a week! There are simple things in life that will be revealed to you once you start your day earlier. 

Try to make every day your best day and you may have more wonderful days ahead of you! 

Did any of the positive quotes resonate with you? 

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